The Difference Between Residential IP And Datacenter IP Proxies

If you're familiar with the world of proxies enough, you know the difference between public proxies and private proxies, free proxies and paid proxies, and residential proxies and data-center proxies. If you're not familiar with it, you can visit this link learn more

Here we will mainly deal with the differences between residential proxies and data-center proxies. You might have seen certain providers that boast of having 100% residential IP addresses. This may be what made you curious to find out about the difference between the two.

What makes residential proxies better than the corporate data- center proxies?

Let's first find out what a residential IP proxy is.

In a residential proxy, the IP address comes from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) of the host. The proxy provider will connect you to its

ISP and lend you its IP address. This works on the basic principle of IP address allocation. When you're connected to the internet you have an IP address that is given to you by an ISP. Your IP address says a lot about you including your location on the map, your ISP provider etc. When you're on a residential proxy, you're borrowing these details of your proxy provider. In a way, the proxy provider is also connecting you to the internet now.

How is the data-center proxy different then?

Well, a data-center proxy doesn't connect you to the internet. These proxies work on a different principle. They don't lend out their own IP addresses for you to borrow and impersonate while browsing the web. Instead, they work by hiding your own IP addresses from the internet. So websites are unable to locate you or find any information on you. Data-center use proxy providers whose services the users pay for. These are few number of proxy providers which the

data-center keeps rotating (rotating proxies). This means that while browsing the web in any given month, the user could have assumed the IP address of over 10 different locations, keeping them anonymous. So in data-center proxy, unlike residential proxy, uses the user's ISP to connect to the internet and mask the IP address.

If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: proxy911

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